Saturday, September 5, 2009

emily, stop being pessimistic & get some sleep

"Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon
& wise too late"


its 7:26 in the morning. i slept a grand total of ZERO hours once again. i got to watch the sunrise from my bed and pondered about how life would be on the other side of the street. my neighbors are such simpletons. mowing their lawns, going to work, going to bed early and what not. wheres the action? wheres the drama? then again, what happens behind closed doors is a completely different story.

yet again, i began to sit and wonder about how my life is flashing past me so quickly. i'm doing so much of nothing and achieving so little yet, time is going by so fast. am i going to die like this? nothing to look forward too, nothing to surprise me, nothing that even comes close to satisfying me? HAH what a boring death. i always wanted to be in the textbooks in the future. i'm just not sure what i would be remembered for but, we'll just have to wait and see. i wonder if it's going to be something famous or infamous... hmmm?

i'm currently psyching myself up for the unbearable weather we have coming today. its so damn hot... my sweat is sweating -_- mmmm looking at old pictures with old friends is fun. its really beginning to soothe my restlessness. i feel myself getting a tad bit sleepy which is a miracle! heres some old pictures that i found, ones that i truly love no matter who's in them or not. they might be old friends, old enemies, new enemies WHATEVER. all that matters is friendship creates memories and art that lasts a lifetime. enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Simpletons, I have not heard that word in forever! Can not follow you, you do not have that option up! )::
