Saturday, September 5, 2009

emily, you need to let go & just move on

dwelling on past experiences and regrets can be quite damaging to a human being. this not only makes emotions spiral into a downward abyss, it also causes people to act out in a reckless manner. THUS came to the term "fuck my life" to be created. this phrase is usually said out loud 1.6 million times a day from an average human being. unless your under the age of 12 and a follower of the jehovahs witness... since they are forbidden to curse?! idk fml rofl lawl

well i had no work today! just being able to sleep in and get the rest i needed was well appreciated! eating alot of food didnt make me very happy though -_- but the good company was well over enjoyable! seeing arthur after he went back to CSUN was nice! followed by the visit from chris after he drove back from Merced. not much happens here in this quaint city.

i am also LOVING my MarcJacobs watch. its so clean and saavy. i hope i dont lose it or damage it in any way.... i bought that watch with around 30 hours of pure hustle and waitressing.

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