Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Redemption noun [ri-demp-shuhn] - atonement from guilt; deliverance or rescue.

redemption is something we as people WANT. its something we as sinners NEED. and its something we as creatures dont DESERVE.

we want it, we need it, but we dont deserve it. which is true. but in the end we will always recieve it. thats one of the strongest points christianity has to offer. and it's something im happy for (: we sin so much, we bitch so much, we do so many horrible things as humans, yet the ultimatum for heaven or hell seems so easy. ask for redemption and you'll recieve redemption.

i just hope my faith hasn't left me behind.

ive finally been able to let go of the skeletons in my closet. ive accepted the outcomes for all my actions and i pitty those in my past who have done me wrong. revenge is an act so sweet yet so unsatisfying at the same time. ironic much?

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